Bandeiras da tomada de posse do Presidente Trump
January 20, 2025 -
A tomada de posse de Donald Trump como 47º Presidente dos Estados Unidos da América terá lugar em frente a um cnjunto de
bandeiras de 7,5 metros que simbolizam a história e unidade do país.
The five flags are being handmade by lead seamstress Lucille Rodriguez and her team at San Antonio-based Dixie Flag and Banner. Rodriguez’s team makes two Besty Ross flags, two 13-star U.S Navy flags, and one present-day American flag with 50 stars.
Inauguration ceremonies always feature the Betsy Ross and current flag. However, two of the flags represent the incoming President. The two 27-star flags represent Trump’s Florida home state.
The original use of the thirteen-star flag originated one year after the Continental Congress drafted and adopted the Declaration of Independence in July 1776. The resolution creating the first official flag in 1777 stated, “that the flag of the United States be made of thirteen stripes, alternate red and white, that the union be thirteen stars, white on a blue field, representing a new constellation.”