Aumentam as vítimas dos incêndios em Los Angeles infographic
A infografia mostra os incêndios ativos em Los Angeles.


LA tenta conter os incêndios antes do regresso dos ventos

January 13, 2025 - Os incêndios que assolam Los Angeles mataram pelo menos 24 pessoas, enquanto os bombeiros tentam apagar as chamas antes do
regresso dos ventos que as podem agravar. Há 16 pessoas ainda desaparecidas.

Officials warned that after a weekend of relatively calm winds, the notoriously dry Santa Ana winds would pick up again from Sunday night until Wednesday, reaching speeds of up to 96km/h.

The LA County medical examiner updated the death toll on Sunday to 24, while officials said earlier at least another 16 remain missing.

Sixteen of the dead were found in the Eaton fire zone, while eight were found in the Palisades area.

The combined fires have destroyed thousands of homes and forced 100,000 people to evacuate, Reuters said.

PUBLISHED: 13/01/2025; STORY: Graphic News