Ucrânia lança nova ofensiva na região russa de Kursk
January 6, 2025 -
Forças ucranianas iniciaram umcontra-ataque na região russa de Kursk, numa aparente tentativa de recuperar a iniciativa no campo de
batalha antes do regreso de Donald Trump à Casa Branca.
Russia’s defence ministry said its forces were beating back the Ukrainian forces but some reports from Russian military bloggers suggested the Russian side had come under heavy pressure.
The latest Kursk raid was made possible by freezing weather, which made it easier for Ukrainian armoured units to advance. There were reports that U.S.-supplied Bradley fighting vehicles were deployed to ferry Ukrainian infantry to forward positions beneath a tree line.
Despite holding less than half of the territory it seized in its Kursk offensive last summer, Ukraine has managed in recent weeks to slow Russia’s advances reinforced by thousands of North Korean soldiers.