Globos de Ouro iniciam época anual de prémios de cinema
January 6, 2025 - Os Globos de Ouro, a primeira grande cerimónia de entrega de prémios de cinema, foram dominado por “Emilia Pérez” e “O Brutalista” nas categorias de cinema, e “Shōgun” a triunfar nas séries de televisão.
The Brutalist, an epic saga about a Hungarian architect who moves to the U.S. after World War II, has won three awards at the Golden Globes – best drama, best actor for Adrien Brody and best director for Brady Corbet.
Elsewhere, Emilia Pérez, a Spanish musical about a Mexican drug lord who changes gender, won four Golden Globes, making it the top film winner of the night.
Demi Moore won her first ever award, picking up the best female actor gong for her role as a woman who trades her body for a younger, more beautiful version of herself.
The Golden Globes are the first major ceremony of the awards season, and are considered a strong indicator of who will win at the Oscars.
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