Crise política na Coreia do Sul (1) infographic
A infografia mostra a cronologia vda crise política na Coreia do Sul desde 3 Dez 2024.


Presidente deposto da Coreia do Sul foi detido

By Jordi Bou

January 3, 2025 - Os investigadores sul-coreanos detiveram o presidente deposto Yoon Suk Yeol por alegada insurreição na tentativa de impor a lei marcial, uma medida que mergulhou o país em agitação.

South Korea’s presidential guards and military troops prevented authorities from arresting impeached President Yoon Suk Yeol on Friday in a tense six-hour stand-off inside Yoon's compound in the heart of Seoul.

The country's anti-corruption agency said it withdrew its investigators due to concerns about their safety.

Yoon, who has been isolated since he was impeached and suspended from power on Dec 14, was not seen during the standoff, he said.

Yoon’s arrest warrant, approved by a court on Dec 31 after he ignored multiple summons to appear for questioning, is viable until Jan 6.

PUBLISHED: 15/01/2025; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images