Rússia quer usar míssil hipersónico contra a Ucrânia infographic
A infografia mostra os detalhes do míssil Oreshnik da Rússia.


Rússia vai usar míssil hipersónico na Ucrâniamissile in Ukraine

By Phil Bainbridge

December 13, 2024 - A Rússia parece disposta a voltar a usar o seu míssil hipersónico “Oreshnik” nos próximos dias, no que o Presidente Putine descreveu como uma resposta ao uso pela Ucrânia dos mísseis ATACMS dos EUA e Storm Shadow britânicos no seu território.

The Oreshnik, which appears to be based on the RS-26, an Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile designed to carry a nuclear payload up to 5,500km. IRBMs were prohibited under the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, but both Russia and the U.S. abandoned the INF in 2019 claiming violations by the other side.

The Oreshnik is aimed with six warheads, each carrying six submunitions, which it is able to release separately on different targets from its MIRV (Multiple Independently-targetable Vehicle).

Oreshnik was test fired on Dnipro on November 21, but with unsophistciated warheads appeared to be a political warning to Ukraine’s allies rather than an attempt to inflict maximum damage. However, the potential for an IRBM to be mistaken for a nuclear attack, potentially triggering a nuclear response meant Russia felt obliged to warn the U.S. before launching the attack on Dnipro, and indeed led the U.S. to abandon a similar program.

PUBLISHED: 13/12/2024; STORY: Graphic News