EUA prometem tarifas sobre Canadá, México e China infographic
A infografia mostra as importações dos EUA do Canadá e México que seriam afetadas pelas tarifas.


EUA prometem tarifas sobre produtos do Canadá, México e China

By Phil Bainbridge

November 28, 2024 - O Presidente eleito Donald Trump ameaçou impôr tarifas de 25% nas
importações do Canadá e México, e mais 10% sobre produtos chineses, a menos que cortem o fluxo de imigrantes ilegais e drogas para os EUA.

The threat of U.S. tariffs on its three biggest trading partners could spark a global trade war, stoke inflation at home and appears to violate the terms of the U.S. Canada Mexico Agreement free trade deal signed into law by Trump in his first term.

The USCMA is up for renegotiation in 2026, when a "sunset" provision will allow withdrawal from the pact, and the threat of tariffs is likely a bid to prompt early negotiation and better terms for the U.S.

PUBLISHED: 28/11/2024; STORY: Graphic News