Idosa de IA confunde aldrabões ao telefone
November 27, 2024 -
A companhia telefónica britânica O2 desenvolveu uma idosa com
Inteligência Artificial (IA) a que chama “Daisy Harris”, numa tentativa para combater a fraude telefónica levando a falar com uma idosa confusa.
“Daisy Harris”, an AI-generated grandmother, is being used by the UK’s O2 telecommunications network to help combat phone scammers.
Daisy combines various AI models which work together to listen and respond to fraudulent calls instantaneously and is so lifelike it has successfully kept numerous fraudsters on calls for 40 minutes at a time, or in some cases for over an hour.
Designed to waste scammers’ time – thus reducing the availability they have to scam real people – Daisy frustrates callers with her lack of knowledge of technology and by telling meandering stories of her family, talking at length about her passion for knitting and providing false personal information including made-up bank details.