Departamento de Justiça dos EUA pede à Google que venda o navegador Chrome
November 21, 2024 -
Numa tentativa para pôr fim ao monopólio da Google nas pesquisas online, o Departamento de Justiça dos EUA está a pedir que venda o
Chrome – o navegador web mais popular do mundo
In an effort to end Google’s monopoly of online searches, the U.S. Department of Justice has proposed a series of remedies, including that it sell “Chrome” – the world’s most popular web browser – and be banned from making deals with companies like Apple and Samsung to set Google as the default browser on their smartphones and browsers.
The proposals come following a landmark anti-competition ruling in August, in which District Judge Amit Mehta found Google illegally crushes its competition in online search.
Google's search engine accounts for almost 90% of all online global searches, with its Chrome browser used by 67% of people on all devices.
Google is expected to counter with its own proposed remedies by December 20, 2024, with Judge Mehta expected to issue a decision by summer 2025.