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 Rescaldo do furacão Helene infographic
A infografia mostra a passagem do furacão Helene e o número de mortos por estado.


Mais de 130 mortos confirmados na vaga do fracão Helene

October 1, 2024 - Dezenas de pessoas mortas e centenas desaparecidas após a
tempestade deixar um rasto de destruição no sudeste dos EUA.

From Florida to Virginia, tens of thousands remained without power Tuesday morning – days after Helene made landfall as a Category 4 hurricane. The system weakened as it quickly moved island, but not before causing catastrophic flooding.

Authorities are still struggling to get water and other supplies to isolated areas affected by floods while millions remain without power.

U.S. President Joe Biden said he will visit North Carolina on Wednesday and then Georgia and Florida as soon as possible after that.

PUBLISHED: 01/10/2024; STORY: Graphic News