Intensifica-se o conflito Israel-Hezbollá infographic
A infografia mostra os ataques transfronteiriços entre o Hezbollá e Israel entre 21 e 23 Set.


Israel amplia os bombardeamentos no Líbano

By Jordi Bou

September 23, 2024 - Israel lançou a sua mais ampla vaga de ataques aéreos contra o
Hezbollá, matando pelo menos 100 pessoas, quando os ataques
transfronteiriços entre os dois lados continuam a aumentar.

The latest attacks come amid some of the heaviest cross-border exchanges of fire in almost a year of conflict, as Israel shifts its focus to its northern border, where Hezbollah has been firing rockets into Israel in support of its ally Hamas, which is fighting a war with Israel in Gaza.

The escalation has stoked fears that a full-blown land war could be imminent, and the U.S. has issued a stark warning to Israel against escalating the second front in the north.

PUBLISHED: 23/09/2024; STORY: Graphic News