Países que introduzem controlos de fonteira infographic
A infografia mostra os países europeus que introduzem controlos temporários nas fronteiras.


Alemanha aperta controlos fronteiriços para conter imigração

September 11, 2024 - Um aumento nas chegadas de imigrantes legais e ilegais está a levar alguns países europeus a reintroduzir temporariamente controlos fronteiriços dentro de uma área normalmente de livre circulação – a zona Schengen.

Last month, a deadly knife attack by a Syrian asylum-seeker in Solingen killed three people. The perpetrator claimed to be inspired by the Islamic State group. In June, a knife attack by an Afghan immigrant left a police officer dead and four other people wounded.

The border closures are set to last six months and are threatening to test European unity. Most of Germany’s neighbours are fellow members of the European Union, a 27-country bloc based on the principles of free trade and travel. And Germany – the EU’s economic motor in the heart of Europe – shares more borders with other countries than any other member state.

PUBLISHED: 11/09/2024; STORY: Graphic News