Perfil de Tim infographic
A infografia mostra o perfil de Tim Walz.


Harris escolhe o governador do Minnesota, Tim Walz como candidato a VP

By Jordi Bou

August 7, 2024 - A opção da Vice Presidente dos EUA Kamala Harris pelo governador do Minnesota Tim Walz como seu candidato a VP acentua a intenção dos Democratas de conquistarem o voto dos trabalhadores para afastarem Trump da Casa Branca.

The so-called blue wall states Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania will be critical to Democratic messaging in battleground states where the party will need to appeal to the white, working-class voters.

The three states were Democratic party strongholds until Trump clinched them in 2016, with U.S. President Joe Biden taking them back in 2020.

Walz’s experience in winning over rural voters could help the Democrats peel them away from Trump, particularly in the Midwest. The 60-year-old brings with him a folksy, plain-spoken and sharp-tongued approach to taking on the Republican opposition.

PUBLISHED: 07/08/2024; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images