Cronologia no 75º aniversário infographic
A infografia mostra as datas chave nos 75 anos de história da organização militar ocidental.


Cimeira da NATO em Washington assinala os 75 anos

By Jordi Bou

July 9, 2024 - July 11, 2024 - Na cimeira de Washington que assinala os 75 anos da NATO’, os líderes dos 32 membros da Aliança vão discutir formas de ajustar os seus planos e estratégias a longo prazo para enfrentar uma Rússia mais agressiva.

Founded in 1949 as a bulwark against the Soviet Union, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) remains, seventy-five years later, the pillar of U.S.-Europe military cooperation.

An expanding bloc of NATO allies has focused on deterring Russian aggression in recent years, but it has also taken on a broad range of missions since the close of the Cold War, many well beyond the Euro-Atlantic region, in countries such as Afghanistan and Libya.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 has shaken Europe’s security architecture and prompted a major reevaluation of NATO members’ foreign policies and defence commitments.

The threat from Russia has pushed some longtime NATO partners, namely Finland and Sweden, to seek full membership. Finland acceded to the alliance in 2023, and Sweden in 2024.

At the 75th anniversary summit in Washington, NATO is expected to offer Ukraine a new headquarters to manage its military assistance, an assurance of the alliance’s long-term commitment to the country’s security that has been heralded as a “bridge” to Kyiv’s eventual membership, the New York Times reports.

PUBLISHED: 04/07/2024; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images