Foguetão Starship regressa à terra com aterragem suave
June 6, 2024 - O foguetão gigante Starship da SpaceX sobreviveu finalmente a uma reentrada na atmosfera da Terra e amarou no oceano Índico na sua quarta missão de teste.
SpaceX's mega Starship rocket completed its first full test flight Thursday, returning to Earth without exploding after blasting off from Texas.
The previous three test flights ended in explosions of the rocket and the spacecraft. This time, both managed to splash down in a controlled fashion.
Designed to be cheaper and more powerful than SpaceX’s workhorse Falcon 9 rocket, Starship represents the future of the company's dominant satellite launch and astronaut business. It is due to be used by NASA in the next few years to land the first astronauts on the moon since 1972.