Escorregamentos de terra continuam na Papua Nova Guiné
May 28, 2024 - Cerca de 7.900 pessoas estão a ser evacuadas de aldeias remotas já que os terrenos continuam a deslizar por uma encosta da montanha quatro dias após o colapso inicial ter sepultado cerca de 2.000 pessoas.
With rescue and relief efforts hampered by the remote location, a severed road link, heavy rainfall and nearby tribal violence, Enga provincial administrator Sandis Tsaka warned the disaster could yet worsen.
“The landslide is still active, as people are digging through the rocks, more is still coming down,” Tsaka warned.
Australia has pledged millions of dollars worth of aid, including emergency relief supplies such as shelters, hygiene kits, and support for women and children.
China’s President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Joe Biden have offered their assistance in a show of global solidarity.