Espanha, Irlanda e Noruega reconhecem a Palestina
May 28, 2024 - A decisão de Espanha, Irlanda e Noruega de reconhecer o estado palestiniano quebra um consenso na Europa ocidental e nos EUA de que tal reconhecimento deve ser conseguido mediante negociações com Israel
But the declarations by Ireland, Spain and Norway will put pressure on other countries in Europe, including the UK, France and Germany, to follow them in supporting Palestinian self-determination.
Around 140 of the 193 member-states of the United Nations have recognised Palestinian statehood since 1988, including most of the global south, Russia, China and India.
But only a handful of the 27 European Union members have done so, mostly former Communist countries as well as Sweden and Cyprus.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said that recognising a Palestinian state amounts to “a reward for terrorism”.