Ativos de Trump sob ameaça de penhora infographic
A infografia mostra os ativos de Donal Trump que podem ser penhorados.


Ativos de Trump podem ser penhorados para pagar caução de $464m

By Ninian Carter

March 25, 2024 - A Procuradora Geral de Nova Iorque pode em breve comelar a penhorar os ativos de Donald Trump, sobretudo imobiliário se ele não
conseguir dinheiro para uma caução de $464 milhões no seu processo cível.

New York Attorney General Letitia James could begin seizing Donald Trump’s assets, if he cannot raise the cash for a $464 million bond in his civil fraud case.

On March 18, Trump’s lawyers filed a court document declaring they were unable to secure the bond amount, which has increased from $454m to more than $464m due to interest charges.

This raises the possibility that James could begin the process of seizing his assets on March 25, most likely targeting his properties and golf courses.

Newsweek claims to have reviewed a document from the attorney general’s office that lists properties owned by Trump that had “fraudulent” and “misleading” values attached to them, which could end up being seized:

• Trump National Golf Club, Los Angeles – California
• Trump International Hotel and Tower, Las Vegas – Nevada
• Mar-a-Lago (official residence of Donald Trump) – Florida
• Trump National Golf Club, Jupiter – Florida
• Trump National Golf Club, Charlotte – North Carolina
• Trump National Golf Club, Washington D.C. – Virginia
• Trump National Golf Club, Philadelphia – New Jersey
• Trump National Golf Club, Hudson Valley – New York
• Trump National Golf Club, Colts Neck – New Jersey
• 40 Wall Street – New York
• Trump Tower – New York
• Trump Park Avenue – New York
• Trump National Golf Club, Westchester – New York
• Seven Springs, Bedford – New York
• Trump International Golf Links – Turnberry (Scotland)
• Trump International Golf Links – Aberdeen (Scotland)

PUBLISHED: 21/03/2024; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images