Cronologi da crise no Haiti infographic
A infografia mostra os acontecimentos chave na recente crise que afeta o Haiti.


Como os gangues dominaram o Haiti

By Jordi Bou

March 20, 2024 - A espiral de violência de gangues desencadeada pelo assassínio ainda
por esclarecer do Presidente Jovenel Moïse em 2021 deixou o país das Caraíbas onde a pobreza é profunda à beira do colapso

Haiti has been mired in violence since the 2021 assassination of President Jovenel Moise, with street gangs engaging in kidnappings and murders while taking over large parts of the country.

On March 12, Ariel Henry, who leads an interim government, said he would step down amid growing violence and a humanitarian crisis.

Henry is currently stranded in Puerto Rico after being prevented by armed gangs from returning home.

Henry’s resignation, however, seems unlikely to solve Haiti’s decades-long crisis of governance – punctuated by violence, natural disasters and external interventions, including by the U.S. and UN – which has persisted since the Duvalier dictatorship was ended by an uprising in 1986.

PUBLISHED: 20/03/2024; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images