EU corta nas taxas da Apple App Store infographic
A infografia mostra as comissões da Apple na app segundo a nova legislação da UE.


Apple obrigada a reduzir as comissões da app pela lei da UE

By Ninian Carter

March 13, 2024 - A nova Lei dos Mercados Digitais (LMD) da UE obriga a Apple a reduzir a sua comissão sobre as receitas da app, e permite o uso de apps de mercados e métodos de pagamento alternativos.

Apple has capitulated in its fight to protect the dominance of its App Store on iPhones and iPads in Europe, telling developers they are now free to distribute their apps directly to consumers in that region, if they want to.

The changes comply with the EU’s new Digital Markets Act (DMA), which will dent the high profit margins of up to 30% that Apple has come to rely on from its walled-in App store.

Developers must still meet terms and conditions set by Apple, like being an authorised developer, but will now be charged less for every sale they make – or even nothing if they completely circumvent the official Apple App Store.

PUBLISHED: 13/03/2024; STORY: Graphic News