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 Doenças sexualmenre transmissíveis disparam na Europa infographic
A infografia mostra os casos de clamídia, gonorreia e sífilis na Europa.


Infeções sexualmente transmitidas crescen na Europa

By Ninian Carter

March 8, 2024 - A Europa assiste a um acentuado aumento em casos de infeções sexualmente transmissíveis, com a clamídia, gonorreia e sífilis em crescendo.

Sexually transmitted infections are surging in Europe according to new data from 2022, released by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

In 2022, reported cases of chlamydia rose to 216,508, an increase of 15% on 2021. Gonorrhoea cases reached 70,881, a sizeable increase of 42% on the previous year. And there were 35,391 cases of syphilis, up 31%.

ECDC director Andrea Ammon says the figures “paint a stark picture, one that needs our immediate attention and action”.

Untreated sexually transmitted infections can lead to a slew of health problems including chronic pain, infertility and even cardiovascular complications.

The data likely underestimates the problem as many infections go undetected.

PUBLISHED: 08/03/2024; STORY: Graphic News