EUA inqueitos com possível arma espacial russa
February 15, 2024 - Os Estados Unidos temem que a Rússia esteja a desenvolver uma arma nuclear baseada no espaço capaz de destruir a sua rede de satélites, e que os EUA não têm capacidade para contrariar.
The U.S. has informed Congress and its allies of intelligence reports that suggest Russian is making advances on a new space nuclear weapon, designed to knock out an enemy country’s satellite network.
Such a device, if deployed, could destroy civilian communications, space-based surveillance and military command-and control operations.
Currently the U.S. does not have the means to counter such a weapon or defend its satellites from an attack of this type.
If the intelligence reports are correct, it throws into doubt Russia’s willingness to keep to the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, which bans all orbital nuclear weapons, and could kick-start a new space weapons arms race.