Problemas para o próximo governo do RU infographic
GA infografia mostra a evolução das intenções de voto nas eleições no Reino Unido.


Vencedor das eleições vai enfrentar enormes problemas financeiros

By Ninian Carter

January 25, 2024 - O Partido Trabalhista na oposição do RU, que há meses vem liderando nas sondagens e deverá vencer as eleições de 2024, vai herdar os mais difíceis problemas fiscais do país em décadas.

With Keir Starmer’s Labour Party enjoying a commanding lead in election opinion polls over the incumbent Conservatives, it’s likely that a future Labour government will face financial problems not seen in the United Kingdom since the 1960s, according to the Institute for Fiscal Studies.

The think tank says a combination of high interest costs and weak economic growth means the winner of the 2024 UK general election, expected in the second-half of the year, will find it more difficult to reduce debt as a fraction of national income than in any previous parliament for decades.

Britain’s debt, which has soared from 50% of GDP to almost 100% of GDP in the last 15 years (most of which were governed by the Conservative Party), will require the next government to raise more tax than it spends on everything other than debt interest – a methodology known as “primary surplus”.

PUBLISHED: 26/01/2024; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images