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 Relógio do Juízo Final 2024 infographic
A infografia mostra os altos e baixos do Relógio do Juízo Final desde 1947.


O mundo continua a 90 segundos para a meia-noite

By Jordi Bou

January 23, 2024 - O Relógio do Juízo Final, indicando quão perto a humanidade está
do aniquilamento, continua a 90 segundos para a meia-noite, com o
conflito na Ucrânia a manter-se e a guerra no Médio Oriente a reacender-se.

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, as they did last year, set the clock at 90 seconds to midnight – the theoretical point of annihilation.

Scientists set the clock based on “existential” risks to Earth and its people: nuclear threat, climate change, and disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence and new biotechnology.

Each year, the BAS decides whether the events of the previous year pushed humanity closer to or farther from destruction.

The idea began in 1945, when scientists working on the Manhattan Project – developing the world’s first nuclear weapons – created the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists of Chicago (BAS) to warn humanity of the dangers of nuclear war. Two years later, BAS launched its Doomsday Clock.

PUBLISHED: 24/01/2024; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Newscom