A Áustria continua na órbita da energia controlada pelo Kremlin
December 4, 2023 - A Áustria está bem fornecida de gás natural russo, permitindo que o velho cliente da Gazprom aumente as vendas aos vizinhos ao mesmo tempo que retarda os esforços para sair da energia controlada pelo Kremlin.
The central European nation has been a hub for Russian flows for more than a half-century, with storage depots and pipelines historically configured to forward fuel to Hungary, Germany, Italy and Slovenia. State-owned OMV AG has a lengthy contract with Gazprom that obliges it to buy gas reaching the border.
The scrutiny of Austria’s supply is intensifying because the nation says it wants to diversify from Russia, yet trade data shows a steady flow via Ukraine that satisfies more than half the economy’s demand, according to Bloomberg.