Novos países aderem à energia nuclear infographic
A infografia mostra o estado dos programas de energia nuclear no mundo.


AIEA diz que uma dúzia de países vai optar pela energia nuclear

November 29, 2023 - Cerca de 30 países estão a encarar ou a iniciar programas de energia
nuclear como meio de introduzri uma fonte de energia fiável e de baixas emissões de carbono, segundo a AIEA

According to International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) calculations, it is necessary to double the number of nuclear reactors in the world – currently at more than 400 units – to achieve the objectives of the Paris climate agreement, Grossi said on Tuesday at the World Nuclear Exhibition in Paris.

“We already have 10 countries which have entered the decision phase (to build nuclear power plants) and 17 others which are in the evaluation process,” he said.

“There will be a dozen or 13 (new) nuclear countries within a few years,” he added.

Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Namibia, the Philippines, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan were cited by Grossi as potential new nuclear countries, according to Reuters.

PUBLISHED: 29/11/2023; STORY: Graphic News