Promessas de imigração do Brexit em cacos infographic
A infografia mostra os números crescentes da imigração para o RU nos últimos anos.


Tories incapazes de cumprir promessa de baixar a imigração no RU

By Ninian Carter

November 24, 2023 - No ano decorrido até junho de 2023, entrou no Reino Unido um número quase recorde de migrantes, expondo as realidades que o Primeiro ministro Rishi Sunak enfrenta ao tentar cumprir as promessas do seu partido de a baixar com o Brexit.

In the year to June 2023, an estimated 672,000 more people moved to the UK than departed, according to the Office for National Statistics – a tough read for Prime Minister Rishi Sunak as he struggles to lower net immigration.

Sunak is the latest in a succession of UK prime ministers to fail to keep their Tory party promise to lower immigration – a key pledge of their Brexit campaign manifesto to leave the European Union.

Adding salt to the wound are amended figures for the year ending December 2022, which revises up the net number of migrants to arrive in the UK to 745,000 – a new record.

But with a stagnating economy and high inflation, driven in part by a shortfall in workers which is driving up wages, UK employers are increasingly recruiting staff from abroad in areas where Britain does not have enough home-grown skills.

Since the UK left the EU on Jan 31, 2020, migration from Europe has fallen, however, there has been an increase in migration from non-EU countries, ironically mostly through government-sanctioned schemes.

PUBLISHED: 24/11/2023; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images