Emissões per capita infographic
A infografia mostra as emissões de gases com efeito de estufa per capita antes daf Cop 28, a realizar no Dubai a 1-2 de dezembro.


O mundo falha no corte das emissões

By Duncan Mil

November 22, 2023 - December 2, 2023 - As pessoas estão a dar mais passos que nunca para enfrentar a mudança climática, mas as emissões per capita nos EUA, Rússia e Coreia do Sul continuam bem acima da média mundial de 6,5 toneladas de CO2.

The UN Environment Program (UNEP) warns that there’s a lot more work to do to keep global temperatures at relatively safe levels, according to the UN 2023 edition of the Emissions Gap Report.

Publication of the report comes before the COP 28 summit held in Dubai, UAE, on December 1-2.

The report calls for a cut in global carbon emissions by 42% by the end of the decade to meet the 2015 Paris Agreement’s benchmark of keeping climate change below 1.5 degrees Centigrade.

“There is no person or economy left on the planet untouched by climate change, so we need to stop setting unwanted records on greenhouse gas emissions, global temperature highs, and extreme weather,” said Inger Andersen, executive director of the UNEP.

According to the report, fully implementing unconditional Nationally Determined Contributions made under the Paris Agreement would put the world on track for limiting temperature rise to 2.9°C above pre-industrial levels this century.

PUBLISHED: 22/11/2023; STORY: Graphic News