Deli é a cidade mais poluída do mundo infographic
A infografia mostra as 10 cidades mais poluídas do mundo.


Índia encerra escolas quando a qualidade do ar se torn perigosa

By Ninian Carter

November 3, 2023 - As crianças de Deli estão a ser retiradas das escolas quando o governo aplica medidas de emergência para proteger os mais novos e mais vulneráveis dos efeitos nocivos do ar extremamente tóxico.

Children in Delhi, India have been removed from schools and ordered to stay home as off-the-chart toxic air levels plague the city.

On Friday, November 3, the air quality index in some areas of India’s capital reached as high as 565 on the AQI index – more than ten times the moderately acceptable level – forcing a halt to construction works and a plea from authorities for people to work from home where possible.

The concentration of fine particulates (known as PM2.5) was 523mg per cubic metre – 105 times higher than recommended World Health Organisation guidelines.

Long term exposure to these particles – which come from a range of sources, including road traffic, construction and biomass burning – have been linked to chronic heart and respiratory conditions, which according to The Lancet, contributed to 3.43 million air pollution-related deaths in India, in 2019.

Air quality in Delhi typically deteriorates between October and November due to a mix of factors including weather patterns, emissions, and low temperatures which hinder pollutants from dispersing.

PUBLISHED: 03/11/2023; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images