Relatório de situação no 555º dia infographic
A infografia mostra o relatório de situação no 555º dia da invasão russa da Ucrânia.


Relatório de situação da guerra na Ucrânia - dia 555

By Phil Bainbridge

September 1, 2023 - A Rússia realiza eleições regionais nos "novos territórios" ocupados das regiões de Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporíjia e Kherson procurando cimentar a autoridade de Moscovo.

Russia has been sinking ships in the Kerch Strait in a bid to create an underwater barrier against Ukrainian seaborne drone attacks on the Kerch Bridge, the vital logistical link from mainland Russia to Crimea.

President Zelensky claimed that a Ukrainian-made long-range missile
successfully hit a target 700km away, as Kyiv bids to increase its domestic production of long-range missiles, but gave no details of the missile or the target. Russian reports say a Ukrainian drone struck a building near one of the country’s biggest nuclear reactors but did not mention any damage to the reactor.

PUBLISHED: 01/09/2023; STORY: Graphic News