Julho vai ser o mês mais quente nos registos infographic
A infografia mostra as temperaturas globais e os meses mais quentes nos registos.


Julhoy 2023 vai ser o mês mais quente nos registos

By Jordi Bou

July 28, 2023 - Os cientistas confirmam que julho está em vias de ser o mês mais quente de sempre, alimentado pela queima de combustíveis fósseis.

The UN World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service said in a joint statement it was “extremely likely” July 2023 would break the record.

UN chief Antonio Guterres said the planet is entering an “era of global boiling”.

The world’s warmest day occurred on July 6, and the hottest 23 days ever recorded were all this month, according to the Copernicus.

The global mean surface air temperature averaged for the first 23 days of July 2023 was 16.95°C. This is well above the 16.63°C recorded for the full month of July 2019, which is currently the warmest July and warmest month on record.

At this stage, it is virtually certain that the full monthly average temperature for July 2023 will exceed that of July 2019 by a significant margin, making July 2023 the warmest July and warmest month on record.

PUBLISHED: 28/07/2023; STORY: Graphic News