Chegadas de migrantes pelo Mediterrâneo central duplicam (1) infographic
A infografia mostra o número de atravessamentos irregulares para a UE entre janeiro e maio de 2023.


Chegadas de migrantes pelo Mediterrâneo central duplicam

By Jordi Bou

June 16, 2023 - O número de chegadas de migrantes à União Europeia através do
Mediterrâneo central mais do que duplicou em 2023 em comparação com o mesmo período do ano passado, indica a agência de controlo de fronteiras da UE, Frontex.

In the first five months of this year, EU countries reported more than 50,300 irregular entries through that route, “the highest number recorded since 2017,” the agency said in a statement.

The Central Mediterranean remained the main migratory route into the EU, accounting for nearly half of all the entries in 2023.

The arrivals on this route drove the raise of 12% of all entries to the EU, as arrivals on all the other migratory routes saw declines ranging from 6% on the Western Mediterranean up to 47% on the Western African route.

PUBLISHED: 16/06/2023; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images