Desastre com barco de migrantes na Grécia infographic
A infografia mostra a localização do desastre e detalhes dos refugiados e migrantes chegados à Europa através do mar Mediterrâneo.


Centenas de mortos em barco com migrantes

By Jordi Bou

June 15, 2023 - Teme-se que haja centenas de mortos quando um barco de pesca com
migrantes do Norte de África para Itália se voltou e afundou ao largo da
Grécia, num dos acidentes mais mortíferos no Mediterrâneo.

The fishing vessel, which was about 25 to 30 metres long, went down about 80km south-west of Pylos on Wednesday morning, according to the Greek coastguard, which said that at least 78 people have died and more than 100 have been rescued.

The death toll is expected to increase, with the UN’s International Organization for Migration tweeting that initial reports suggested up to 400 people were on the boat. Survivors said more than 100 children were in the ship’s hold.

More than 70,000 refugees and migrants have arrived in Europe’s frontline countries this year, with the majority landing in Italy, according to UN data.

PUBLISHED: 15/06/2023; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Hellenic Coast Guard