Incêndios no Canadá poluem os EUA infographic
A infografia mostra o mapa dos fumos dos incêndios no Canadá.


Nordeste dos EUA coberto de fumo espesso

By Ninian Carter

June 8, 2023 - O nordeste dos Estados Unidos está a sofrer forte poluição com fumo das centenas de incêndios florestais que estão fora de controlo no Canadá.

Outdoor activities are being cancelled across the U.S. east coast as millions of Americans are urged to stay indoors to avoid inhaling heavy wildfire smoke drifting south from Canada.

Cities like New York and Detroit are being blanketed in an orange haze that smells of burning wood, as Canada experiences one of its worst wildfire seasons ever.

Hundreds of forest fires are raging across Canada, many of which started weeks ago, but are now being affected by a storm system off the coast of Nova Scotia which is forcing the smoke south and then east into some of the most densely populated areas in the United States.

The weather pattern is expected to persist for several days, with harmful haze likely to continue across the region.

PUBLISHED: 08/06/2023; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images