Presidente suspende cessar-fogo infographic
A infografia mostra as áreas em que os grupos armados ilegais estão mais ativos na Colômbia.


Presidente da Colômbia suspende cessar-fogo

By Phil Bainbridge

May 24, 2023 - O Presidente Gustavo Petro suspendeu o cessar-fogo com a fação EMC
(Estado Maior Central) dissidente das FARC, em mais um retrocesso na sua tentativa para pôr fim a seis décadas de conflito.

According to indigenous groups, the teenagers were forcibly recruited into the EMC but shot dead when they tried to escape.

In January, the government announced a ceasefire with former FARC factions Estado Mayor Central (EMC), and Segunda Marquetalia, who rejected the 2016 peace deal with the rebel group, and crime gangs the Gulf Clan (Clan del Golfo or Gaitanista Self-Defense Forces of Colombia) and the Sierra Nevada Self-Defence Forces.

The ceasefire with the Gulf Clan was suspended in March 2023 amid accusations it had destroyed a municipal aqueduct and attacked police during protests by informal gold miners. The ceasefire with EMC will be suspended in Meta, Caqueta, Guaviare and Putumayo provinces where the group is most active but will continue in other parts of the country.

PUBLISHED: 24/05/2023; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images