Eleições na Tailândia infographic
A infografia mostra os resultados preliminares das eleições na Tailândia.


Eleitores da Tailândia apoiam partdiso pró-democracia

May 15, 2023 - Os dois principais partidos de oposição na Tailândia acordaram formar
uma coligação de governo depois de alcançarem uma vitória sobre os
rivais apoiados pelos militares que controlam o governo há uma década.

The Move Forward party and opposition heavyweight Pheu Thai dominated Sunday’s ballot in a stunning rout of army-backed parties, but they could face challenges in mustering enough support, with parliamentary rules drafted by the military after a 2014 coup skewed in favour of its allies.

Their alliance would need to ensure its efforts to form a new government would not be stymied by a junta-appointed Senate, which gets to vote on the prime minister in a bicameral sitting of the 750-member legislature, and has a record of favouring conservative parties led by generals, Reuters said.

PUBLISHED: 15/05/2023; STORY: Graphic News