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 Vulcão de Fogo da Guatemala em erupção infographic
A infografia mostra os detalhes do Vulcão de Fogo.


Centenas de pessoas evacuadas com erupção na Guatemala

May 5, 2023 - As autoridades da Guatemala procuram evacuar centenas de pessoas
após a erupção do Vulcão de Fogo, um dos vulcões mais ativos da América Central.

Guatemala’s disaster agency said the volcano had been emitting ash clouds that could affect as many as 100,000 people in communities around the peak.

The 2018 eruption killed 194 people and left another 234 missing.

The biggest danger from the volcano are lahars, a mixture of ash, rock, mud and debris, that can bury entire towns.

The disaster agency said that such lahars were flowing down four of the seven gullies on the volcano’s flanks, according to AP.

PUBLISHED: 05/05/2023; STORY: Graphic News