Maioria contra recandidatura de Biden e Trump
April 24, 2023 - A maioria dos eleitores americanos não quer que o Presidente Joe Biden ou o antigo Presidente Donald Trump concorram à Casa Branca em 2024, embora pareça o cenário mais plausível, segundo um inquérito NBC News.
Most of those surveyed, by a 70% to 26% margin, said that Biden should not seek reelection while 60% said Trump should bow out of the race, compared to 35% who want him to run.
Biden is looking to formally announce as early as this week that he’s running for a second term, according to people familiar with the matter. His approval ratings remain underwater, with 41% in the NBC poll approving of his job as president compared to 54% who disapproved.
Trump, meanwhile, has emerged as the strong frontrunner for the GOP nomination. He’s the first choice of 46% of Republican primary voters in the survey, compared to 31% who favored Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and 6% who favored former Vice President Mike Pence, Bloomberg said.