Relatório de situação no 411º dia infographic
A infografia mostra o relatório de situação no 411º dia da invasão russa da Ucrânia.


Relatório de situação da guerra na Ucrânia - dia 411

By Phil Bainbridge

April 10, 2023 - Documentos transpirados do Pentágono mostram que os mísseis antiaéreos S-300 ucranianos podem estar esgotados a 2 de maio ao ritmo atual, o que se pode revelar decisivo para o controlo dos céus.

Ukrainian officials have denounced the leak as fake information and that it is part of a Russian disinformation campaign, with battlefield estimates for Ukrainian casualties also altered to appear higher and Russian casualties lowered.

Nevertheless the U.S. has launched an interagency investigation to review and assess the validity of the documents, in which the breadth of the data - from Ukraine, China, the Middle East and Africa - suggests that it may have been from an American source rather than one of its allies, as many of the papers were only in American hands. U.S. officials have also speculated that Russia or pro-Russian elements could be behind the leak.

The leak could also have an impact on U.S. relations with its allies after claims emerged that in South Korea, the CIA had been monitoring senior officials’ discussions regarding arms sales ending up in Ukraine.

PUBLISHED: 10/04/2023; STORY: Graphic News