Mortes por Covid na China podem ser muito superiores aos dados oficiais
February 16, 2023 - A China diz que morreram 83.150 dos seus cidadãos desde que se iniciou a pandemia de Covid-19 em finais de dezembro de 2019, mas os epidemiologistas acreditam que o total é muito maior.
In December 2022, China relaxed its strict “Zero Covid” restrictions and saw an explosion in cases and deaths.
However, China’s official Covid-19 death toll (as of February 9, 2023) stands at 83,150 people – making it the the lowest death rate per capita of any major country.
This seems unlikely, due in part to China only counting deaths in hospitals and for a long time only counting Covid deaths caused by respiratory failure – discounting other causes such as liver, kidney or cardiac failure.
Epidemiologists have been working to piece together a realistic tally based on various aspects of China’s response to the pandemic and believe the true figure is likely between 1 million and 1.5 million casualties.