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A infografia mostra os desastres naturais mais mortíferos neste século.


Sismo da Turquia-Síria é dos desastres mais mortíferos deste século

By Jordi Bou

February 10, 2023 - Os sismos devastadores que abalaram a Turquia e a Síria a 6 Fev mataram pelo menos 21.000 pessoas, sendo o sétimo desastre natural mais mortífero deste século.

The death toll from the 7.8 magnitude earthquake and several powerful aftershocks across both countries has surpassed the more than 17,000 killed in 1999 when a similarly powerful earthquake hit northwest Turkey.

It now ranks as the seventh most deadly natural disaster this century, ahead of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan and approaching the 31,000 killed by a quake in neighbouring Iran in 2003.

PUBLISHED: 10/02/2023; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images