Produção de ópio em alta infographic
A infografia mostra o aumento da produção de ópio e o rendimento por hectare em Myanmar de 2002 a 2023.


Produção de ópio em Myanmar dispara

By Jordi Bou

January 26, 2023 - A produção de ópio aumentou fortemente em Myanmar, subindo para
um máximo de nove anos devido à agitação política e económica desde
que os militares tomaram o poder há quase dois anos, diz a ONU.

Production reached nearly 795 tonnes in 2022, nearly double the production in 2021 – 423 tonnes – the year of the military coup.

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) believes the growth was “directly connected” to the political and economic turmoil in Myanmar since the military took power in a coup nearly two years ago

The cultivated area in 2022 expanded by a third to 40,100 hectares, while the average estimated yield rose 41% to nearly 20kg per hectare, the highest value since the UNODC started keeping records in 2002, the report said.

Myanmar is the world's second-largest producer of opium, after Afghanistan. The two countries are the source of most of the heroin sold around the world.

PUBLISHED: 26/01/2023; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Getty Images