ÍIndia ultrapassa a China como país mais populoso
January 19, 2023 -
A Índia vai ultrapassar a China como país mais populoso do mundo em
2023, com mais de 1.400 milhões de habitantes. A sua força de trabalho
jovem pode fazer dela a terceira maior economia global em 2028.
Even though its population growth has slowed to 1.2% since 2011, down from 1.7% in the previous decade, India’s population will pass China’s 1.4 billion sometime in 2023.
China’s demographic decline, with its decreasing and ageing population, combined with geopolitical tensions, could enable India, with its youthful, educated workforce, to supplant China as the “world’s factory”.
India’s economic growth of 5.5% over the last 10 years has already enabled it to overtake the UK as the fifth largest economy, and it is expected to pass Germany and Japan within the next 5 years according to the IMF.