Vendas de Champanhe deverão disparar infographic
A infografia mostra as vendas de champanhe desde 1960.


Vendas de Champanhe florescem antes do Natal

By Ninian Carter

December 22, 2022 - As vendas de Champanhe podem atingir um novo recorde este ano para os festejos de fim de ano em todo o mundo.

Sales of Champagne are expected to boom this year ahead of the start of end-of-year celebrations, despite rising inflation around the world.

In 2021, sales rebounded after the Covid-19 pandemic, to reach €5.7bn – selling 320 million bottles.

The Union of Champagne Houses believes 2022 sales will be higher still, lying somewhere between 320 million and 339 million bottles.

This year’s harvest in Champagne was 45% above the five-year average due to good weather conditions – doubling the volume of 2021, when frost and mildew fungus damaged vineyards. However, Champagne prices have risen in 2022 due to a rise in costs for bottles and transport.

PUBLISHED: 22/12/2022; STORY: Graphic News