Relatório de situação da guerra na Ucrânia - dia 281
December 1, 2022 - O Pentágono adjudicou contrato de $1.200 milhões à Raytheon Technologies para o fornecimento de seis sistemas de defesa anti-aérea NASAMS para defender a Ucrânia dos ataques de mísseis e drones russos. Os dois já entregues têm tido 100% de sucesso.
The two NASAMS received in early November have had a 100% success rate in intercepting Russian missiles. The NASAMS were ordered under a program designed to procure weapons from industry rather than taking them from existing U.S. arms stocks, while the US Army is also accelerating its weapons procurement process to quickly replenish stocks depleted by shipments to Ukraine. The Biden Administration has committed over $19.3 billion to Ukraine’s security since the start of the war.
Meanwhile, Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu has said the country, which has the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons with almost 6,000 warheads, will focus on building up its nuclear infrastructure in 2023, in particular facilities to accommodate new missile systems.