Relatório de situação no 272º dia infographic
A infografia mostra o relatório de situação no 272º dia da invasão russa da Ucrânia.


Relatório de situação da guerra na Ucrânia - dia 272

By Phil Bainbridge

November 22, 2022 - Serviços de informação ucranianos referem que a Rússia tenciona levar a cabo ataques de falsa bandeira a infraestruturas críticas na Bielorrússia a fim de aumentar a pressão sobre as forças armadas bielorrussas para entrarem na guerra da Ucrânia.

Two days of intense shelling at the Zaporizhya nuclear plant have caused widespread damage but the integrity of reactors and nuclear fuel storage facilities has not been compromised, according to the IAEA who have confirmed there are no immediate safety concerns. Both Russia and Ukraine accused each other of carrying out the attacks.

Russian and Ukrainian sources are reporting a November 18 attack on an oil depot at the Black Sea port of Novorssiysk, a major base of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet since it was relocated after attacks on Sevastopol in occupied Crimea in the summer.

PUBLISHED: 22/11/2022; STORY: Graphic News