Míssil atinge a Polónia infographic
A infografia mostra o localização da queda do míssil e as especificações do sistema de mísseis anti-aéreos S300.


Míssil na Polónbia "não terá sido intencional"

By Jordi Bou

November 16, 2022 - A NATO diz que o míssil caído na Polónia foi provavelmente um acidente
causado pelas defesas aéreas da Ucrânia a reagir a um ataque russo.

Nevertheless, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said that Moscow, not Kyiv, was ultimately to blame for starting the war in the first place and launching the attack that triggered Ukraine's defences.

Earlier, U.S. President Joe Biden said it was “unlikely” the missile had been fired from Russia.

“From the information that we and our allies have, it was an S-300 rocket made in the Soviet Union, an old rocket and there is no evidence that it was launched by the Russian side,” the Polish president Andrzej Duda said.

Two people were killed on a farm Przewodów, near the western border with Ukraine, as Ukraine came under fire from one of the biggest barrages of missile strikes of the war.

The Kremlin had insisted it had nothing to do with their deaths.

PUBLISHED: 16/11/2022; STORY: Graphic News; PICTURES: Google Maps