Relatório de situação no 253º dia infographic
A infografia mostra o relatório de situação no 253º dia da invasão russa da Ucrânia.


Relatório de situação da guerra na Ucrânia - dia 253

By Jordi Bou

November 3, 2022 - A central nuclear ucraniana de Zaporíjia foi desligada da rede elétrica depois de os bombardeamentos russos terem danificado as restantes linhas de alta voltagem, deixando-a apenas com geradores diesel, disse a firma nuclear da Ucrânia, Energoatom.

The news come as Russian officials have reportedly announced that Moscow-installed authorities have begun integrating the nuclear power plant into the jurisdiction of Russian nuclear power plant operator Rosenergoatom.

Renat Karchaa, adviser to the general director of Rosenergoatom, said the transition would occur after the plant uses up all available fuel reserves.

Meanwhile, Russia said it would resume its participation in a deal freeing up grain exports from Ukraine, reversing a decision that world leaders warned would increase hunger globally.

And in The U.S., the White House has accused North Korea of covertly shipping “significant number” of artillery shells for the war in Ukraine.

PUBLISHED: 03/11/2022; STORY: Graphic News