Helsínquia vai construir a maior bomba de calor do mundo infographic
A infografia mostra como funcionará a bomba de calor de Helsínquia.


Bomba calor vai fornecer 40% do aquecimento de Helsínquia

By Phil Bainbridge

October 24, 2022 - Um projeto de €400m, 500MW para gerar calor para a capital finlandesa
extrai água do fundo do mar, mesmo quando a superfície está congelada.

Seawater will be carried to the heat exchangers via a 17km tunnel being bored from the Baltic seabed - where the temperature is a constant 2˚C year round. Heat exchangers will transfer and concentrate the heat from the seawater - which is returned to the sea through a 9km tunnel - to the district heating system where it will reach around 88˚C.

Already home to the world’s largest heat pump, Helsinki is aiming to become carbon neutral by 2050, and the new pump alone is expected to provide up to 40% of the city’s heating requirements when it goes online in around 2029. The utility company Helen Ltd currently provides around 8% of Helsinki’s heating through recovering heat from waste water and the excess from data centres and other buildings.

PUBLISHED: 24/10/2022; STORY: Graphic News