Sydney enfrenta inundações infographic
A infografia mostra a pluviosidade extrema no letre da Austrália.


Inundações ‘Uma em mil anos’ chegam a Sydney

By Ninian Carter

March 2, 2022 - As chuvas intensas que mataram pelo menos 10 pessoas na costa leste
da Austrália foram qualificadas como “ocorrência uma em mil anos”.

Floodwaters from an unprecedented storm deluge, that submerged several towns and bridges in Queensland and northern New South Wales, is moving south towards Sydney, bringing with it the strong likelihood of flash flooding.

More than 600 military personnel have been deployed to aid flood victims, with helicopter crews rescuing more that 1,000 people trapped by rising floodwaters. At least 10 people have died so far.

The Bureau of Meteorology has issued a severe weather warning for Sydney, predicting life-threatening flash floods – 2022 has been the city’s wettest summer in 30 years.

Australia’s east coast has been dominated by the La Nina climate pattern for two successive years.

PUBLISHED: 02/03/2022; STORY: Graphic News